About the book

If you haven’t got the time, money, know-how or energy to make the changes you’ve been dreaming of - or don't know where to start - this book is for you.Change Your Life in 10 Minutes unlocks a simple, ingenious formula, which is backed by science. Rosanne’s compelling survival story, which weaves through the start of each chapter, shows how change is not only possible, it can start with just 10 minutes a day. Part memoir/part self help/part reference book, Change Your Life in 10 Minutes also includes 100's of practical and easy tips to help end procrastination and get you started. Change Your Life is 10 Minutes has been nominated for the Best Self Help book at the 2024 Able Book Awards.


Meet Rosanne

Rosanne is a writer, former newspaper columnist and broadcaster. She is a mum and step-mum of kids with unique challenges; survivor of family trauma; and lover of a great party.

She has also spent several years at the pointy end of corporate life as a consultant specialising in change and is an experienced change coach.

Her story weaves through the book, which is packed with easy-to-digest information and 10 Minute tips of easy life hacks that can move the blocks and help transform your life.

Rosanne is probably just like you. She gets stuck. She f#cks up. She gets distracted chasing shiny things.

Rosanne has stumbled through failure, grief, pain, trauma – even terror.

But to make something of her life and to shield her children, she had to confront change, whether she liked it or not. Change is scary and uncomfortable at first, but there are ways to make it possible?

Rosanne shares the 10 Minute philosophy of change, which is based on science, in regular public talks, private coaching and corporate training.


Coaching & Consulting

Rosanne specialises in supporting people to make change using a simple, results-driven and fun 10 Minute technique. It all about getting started and making small steps often.

The science-backed program resonates with people of all ages and levels from business leaders to children. 

She conducts online and face-to-face coaching, workshops and speaking gigs to guide individuals, employees, companies, school children and community groups to successfully navigate change.


What Readers Are Saying

  • Brilliant book

    Change Your Life in 10 Minutes is a brilliant book. Love how it’s put together - so well written and a blend of memoir, self help and practical guide to a well-lived life.  Appropriate for all ages and seasons in life. I took notes and highlighted passage after passage to refer to when I need it. Knowing how Rosanne struggled and overcome challenges helps in our own healing, recovery and growth.

    — Dr Praise Matemavi
    International transplant surgeon and author of Passion and Purpose: Black Female Surgeons, USA
  • Insightful and wonderful

    “Inspiring, optimistic, well researched and informative … this is a lovely self-improvement book packed wth positive tips covering all aspects of life to help people understand the benefits of making and maintaining change with a simple technique.”

    — Bianca Mal
    Book reviewer goodreadingmagazine.com.au
  • Captivated me hook, line and sinker

    “I laughed, cried and felt a sense of sisterhood reading Change Your Life in 10 Minutes.  The  emotion I experienced reading Rosanne’s personal stories was soothed knowing that there were 10 minute hacks which follow to give hope and solutions. Ithad me captivated, hook, line and sinker from the get go.”

    — Tanya Preston
    Whose son Alex lost his battle with cancer when he was eight
  • What a great concept - simple yet inspiring

    “Stop the constant hustle and bustle and take the 10-minutes to make the change you know you need. Brilliant book!”

    Pablo Campillos
    Consultant, Australia
  • Relatable. Courageous. Funny.

    “Rosanne speaks from the heart. Courageous, funny, real. So relatable. It has helped me so much to learn I am not the only who has lived this story.”

    Recent workshop participant
  • Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from trying new things. The secret of getting ahead is getting started … with a small step, humble shuffle -  or a giant leap.